Thursday, September 07, 2006

Essentially what ended the Cold War?

The Cold War's end can be traced back to Moscow in the winter of 1985 when an American boxer of Italian decent named Rocky Balboa, sometimes referred to as the Italian Stallion, followed his defeat of the gargantuan and genetically engineered Soviet fighter Ivan Drago with an empassioned speech now widely known as the "If I Can Change Address." In this singular moment, through the simple slurred words of a pugilist who's career was marked by continually defying the odds, the absurdities of the decades-old conflict were distilled. The odds were defied once again, as the usually stoic Soviet leader, inspired by Rocky's burning heart, which was rising like a spire, and his steely gaze, which has been likened to that of a tiger, rose to his feet and began to applaud in the stirring manner of what is known in the US as the "Lucas Applause." His countrymen, sensing the significance of the drama, responded in kind, thus sparking a series of events that in four years time would lead to the crumbling of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What people don't understand is Rocky 4 was really a documentary which was covered up by of government, who ultimately took the credit.

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe I am due some credit here. Clearly I orchestrated the whole ordeal by killing Apollo Creed in the exposition to incite Rocky's rage to have him come to Moskow to challenge me to a rematch, which I would of course throw giving him the platform for the "If I Can Change" Address. As great and imposing a fighter as I may be, I am no orator. Only the well-crafted utterings of a wordsmith like Mr. Balboa could have brought our two nations together.

But the real issue here is clearly that I threw the fight. I mean, c'mon. I killed Apollo with my fists. Do you really think Rocky could've withstood all those withering blows to the skull had I not been pulling my punches? I think not. I implore you, go back and watch the tape and you'll see I speak the truth and deserve as much, if not more, credit as Rocky for ending the Cold War.

3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"orchestrated", "exposition", "utterings","implore"..............

"Mommy, Santa is spreading Communist Propogandaaaaa!"

Paleeeese... the real "Ivan" stated during the documentary, "He's like a piece of Iron"... at least that's what the subtitles said. Which is true though, Rocky was fashioned from Iron ore, which explains his intelligence level as well as his ability to take punishment.

Rocky did what Napoleon and Hitler could not do... win a war in Asia, in the freakin winter!!!

3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Napoleon's ghost,

I was merely playing to the American crowd to smooth over tensions and further Rocky's credibility when I said the "iron" line. I may not be an orator, but I know a little something about international diplomacy. By the way Napoleon, I hear you're dynamite in Russian. Ha ha ha.

4:05 PM  
Blogger J Crew said...

Let's stop the bickering. Rocky ended this. If I can change. You can change. We can all change.

4:41 PM  
Blogger Peter Brown said...

i feel the content of this blog has turned

9:56 AM  
Blogger Ando said...

Don't worry. I think I've run off Rocky, Ivan, and Napoleon for good and can get down to the business of answering the question for real.

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

boring boring, everything is boring...

3:05 PM  
Blogger Becca Sports said...

Question: How do you know someone has too much time on their hands?
Answer: They have 4 blogs going! :)

Ando-I don't know how you keep 4 blogs going! You should be a history teacher :)

2:06 PM  
Blogger Ando said...

I have a special skill of being able to put off important things until later with virtually no effect on my conscience. It's a very special gift.

2:27 PM  

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